- Социология
Тип работы:
- Курсовые проекты
Дата создания:
I. Introduction………1
II. School to Prison Pipeline………2
A. School Suspensions and Expulsions Linked to Dropout and Incarceration…………....2
B. School Arrests……………3
C. Disciplinary Alternative Schools…………4
III. Population in Correctional Facilities……………4
A. Educational Characteristics of Incarcerated Adults and Youth….…………………….6
IV. Right to Education in Prisons……………6
V. Right to Education in Juvenile Facilities…………8
A. Lack of Quality Education for Youth with Disabilities in Detention and Prison……...8
B. Lack of Quality Education for Girls in Juvenile Detention in Texas and New York….8
C. Lack of Quality Education for Youth in Immigration Detention………10
D. Case Study: Youth Study Center, New Orleans, Louisiana……………11
VI. Educational Barriers in Transition from Custody to Community………12
Education is a fundamental human right. The United States has made numerous domestic and international commitments to ensuring the human right to education, and while there is no federal constitutional right, nearly every State Constitution in the United States recognizes the right to an education. Federal laws also protect against discrimination in education on the basis of race, national origin, sex and disability.